Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Does Jacob Zuma Deserve Your Vote?

An open letter to Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa.

Dear Mr President.

As a South African citizen, I cannot fathom where to begin expressing my anger and disdain towards you and your totally useless government. As the President of this country your are a dismal failure in protecting the basic "right to life" of your countrymen.

Before the race card is played, let me just clarify, I am not writing this as a white South African, but as an African born on this continent, and as a once proud, true African son.

The massacre that took place at Marikana happened on your beat. The blood of a nation is on your hands.

This country is on the brink of economic suicide due to rouge strikes and faltering greedy unions.

The countless murders that rock this country's roots on a daily basis are a reflection of your total inability to rule and govern this once awesome Rainbow Nation.

You have allowed this country, that was once the crown jewel of Africa to become a jester on the global stage.

As the fourth president of South Africa, you have more blood on your hands than your 3 post apartheid predecessors put together.

A nations pride is carried by its people and built by a government who are able to supply the basic needs in return to its people.

Education, Health Care and Economic stability are what history is created and built on. Your inability to provide the very basics to our nation is a true reflection of your personal greed.

While you have absolutely no shame on spending R250 million on your personal "village", you do not have the balls to take a stance against violence and corruption.

On the matter of "basic rights", education is a right, not a privilege. You will go down in history as the fool who turned his back on his country because of the slap happy way in which you and your grossly under qualified Minister Ms Angie Motsege have handled the issue regarding basic learning material supplies.

You both should be tried for treason due to the sabotage that you have allowed to take place against our already disillusioned youth.

Need I remind you Mr President that it was the youth who set the wheels of change in motion in 1976.

Do not think Mr President, that the youth of today are any less qualified of starting a new uprising.

Mr President, I wonder how it is possible for you to get the votes needed at Manguang for you to run for President again.

Rocket science aside, its simple, as 4500 delegates will decide the future of a nation on your personal promise of enrichment. Mr Mandela was quoted as saying that "never again will the majority be dictated to by the minority".

I do not think that Mr Mandela ever dreamed that this horrid atrocity would ever take place again in his life time.

I cannot believe that the ANC that fought for equality, and were able to change the history of this country, are going to allow you to inflict further carnage on our country.

I for one do not believe that you Mr President, deserve my vote, and I strongly urge my fellow country men of all race and gender to value their vote and think carefully before casting it for a government that has proved that it cannot control crime and has no idea about the basic needs of its people.

It is a sad day for me as I am now not only one of the millions of disillusioned South Africans, but I too mourn the senseless death of a friend whose life was taken for no other reason than your failure to provide what you you promised your people when you recruited their vote.

I urge you Mr President to take a stand for once and for all before its to late for my country, even if that stand means your resignation due to your incompetence.

I am not asking for the ANC to be removed from Government, I am asking you to make the right decision and put your Country before your personal greed.

Wayne Richards

(posted on his FB wall earlier today by a good friend of mine - Wayne W. Richards - who has just lost a close friend due to crime.)

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