Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Difference Between A Boer and An Afrikaaner

Die verskil tussen Boer en Afrikaner is die vryheidstrewe. Die Afrikanergroepe soek selfbeskikking en 'n lappie grond wat hulle 'n Volkstaat kan noem. Die Boerevolk wil die Boere-Republieke terughê waarvoor ons voorvaders gestry en gely het. Niks meer en niks minder nie. Wie die Boerevolk se geskiedenis nie ken nie, sal ook nie sy strewe verstaan nie. Daarom kan Boer en Afrikaner nooit dieselfde wees nie!
(Piet Rudolph)

The difference between a Boer and an Afrikaner is the strive for freedom. The Afrikaner groups want self rule and a piece of ground or Volkstaat that they can call their own. The Boer people want the old Boer Republic that their forefathers had and fought and suffered for. Not more or less. Those who don't know the Afrikaner history won't understand this struggle or quest, therefore the Boer and the Afrikaner can never be the same.

Translation very kindly done by my GOOD friend Dolores Potgieter and her son Christopher Potgieter

This was the feedback I got when I asked for a translation:

Piet Blackwolf start learning to understand afrikaans,if you stay in our country then you should know the taal or go back to england.

Dolores Daly Potgieter ‎@Piet Blackwolf. Totally unnecessary to be so insulting. We don't stay here (bad english) WE LIVE HERE. We were born here. Can you read, write and speak english proficiently.???
Piet Blackwolf dan wats julle probleem met my taal,dis die taal wat die meeste gepraat word hier van al die ander wit tale,ek word hier beledig nie julle klomp engelse nie
Christopher Potgieter Piet, ek wil net een ding se. Maar ek gaan dit in engels se. 99% of afrikaans people these days CAN'T EVEN SPEAK THEIR OWN LANGUAGE. They have to mix it with english. Another thing, i and many people are sick to death of the common attitude "Speak afrikaans or don't speak at all".......What crap. Englis is an international language....LEARN IT!

Dolores Daly Potgieter  As the saying goes :die afrikaner/boer kan saam drink maar nie saam staan nie".