Whites Are Not Allowed Access to the Labour Market: are they counted as 'unemployed' or not?
This 'odd discrepancy' has a great deal to do with the fact that many hundreds of thousands of whites were kicked from their jobs under the ANC-regime's black-economic-empowerment laws.
South Africa is the only country in the world which has made laws to 'protect the black majority' from the 'white minority' by creating labour-restriction laws against whites.
There now are many unemmployable 'whites' scattered in many dozens of little white squatter camps all over the country. These are mostly Afrikaner working class artisans, former mineworkers, former municipal officials and former municipal engineers from sewerage plants) who are not 'actively looking for work' because they are not ELIGIBLE to even access the job market.
Many survive by eking out a living with little odd jobs, artisan work, delivery work, parttime employment to keep their families alive. Alas when one writes about 'statistics' one does tend to lose track of the inhumanity of such a system which restricts well-qualified people from even access the labour market because they are paler-skinned than the rest of the population. The South African regime might as well put up signs everywhere saying 'No Whites Allowed'.
Monday, March 11, 2013
SA Has Highest Prison Population In Africa
[We are] currently ranked ninth in the world in terms of prison population, with approximately 160 000 inmates," he said in a speech prepared for delivery.
At least 30% of those detained were awaiting trial.
Ndebele was speaking at a meeting with senior leadership of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union and the Public Servants Association of South Africa in Pretoria.
The problem of over-crowding was a priority, he said.
"That our offender population has remained constant, whether you remove pass laws, group areas, or apartheid laws, should make us search more urgently for answers to the high prison population in South Africa," he said.
The correctional services department hosted a colloquium on overcrowding, alternative sentencing, and the White Paper on Remand Detention in South Africa in November last year.
Violence and unrest
"The recommendations of the colloquium are currently being considered for implementation," the minister said.
In January, three awaiting trial prisoners were killed and 65 others were injured in gang-related violence at the St Albans correctional facility in the Eastern Cape.
The Congress of the People blamed the unrest on overcrowding.
A few days earlier, another riot occurred at the Groenpunt prison in the Free State.
Four warders and around 50 inmates were injured when inmates torched their cells and parts of the prison facility.
The prisoners were reportedly complaining about some of the warders as well as the quality of food they were fed at the prison.
The Inkatha Freedom Party said then the incident reflected the problem of overcrowding in the country's prison facilities.
63 240 criminals serving time outside prison
Of this number, 48 323 were out on parole, and 14 917 were probationers (convicted offenders serving non-custodial sentences), Correctional Services Minister Sbu Ndebele said in a statement.
He called on the public to help re-integrate paroled and released offenders into society as law-abiding citizens.
"As corrections is a societal responsibility, and not just the responsibility of the department of correctional services (DCS), the community forms an integral part of the rehabilitation of offenders on parole to reintegrate them as law-abiding citizens."
Ndebele said the department played its role in attempting to prepare offenders for a life back in the community.
"Measures in place to ensure that released offenders comply with their parole conditions include house detention, monitoring, performance of community service, restriction to magisterial district, refraining from the use of alcohol or illegal drugs, refraining from making contact with a particular person(s), and participating in treatment, development and support programmes," he said.
Electronic monitoring devices and regular visits from parole officers were also used.
"One standard condition is that offenders on parole may not commit any crime, and, if they do, they will return to a correctional centre," said Ndebele.
Convicted offenders needed to undergo rehabilitation programmes while in jail to qualify for parole, Ndebele said. South Africa currently has around 152 550 people behind bars.
Every month about 23 000 inmates leave prisons while 25 000 new inmates are admitted, the department said.
Nothing Special About Whites
By: Khuluza2013-03-09 11:51
It is nauseating the way whites think of themselves as the saviours of Africa. “Without colonialism, you would not have any infrastructure, without us there would be no development or technology”, they claim. The yapping goes on and on. And frankly it gets me sick to the stomach.
What they forget to mention is that they contributed a lot to Africa’s woes. One can mention disease, famine, wars and the erosion of our moral fibre as some of Africa’s challenges. Behind each of these is a white hand. HIV or AIDS was first found in the gay community in USA in the 80s. Today the scourge has decimated and torn Africa apart. Talking about gays, what is it with the west trying to shove this practice down our throats? Aid to Africa is now linked with gay rights. Allow same sex marriage in your country and America will reward you with funds. Joyce Banda the Malawian president repealed some anti gay laws and the USA sent in Hilary Clinton as a show of support. The funds followed.
Before the colonialists landed in Africa, the continent used to be a land of plenty. Whilst the San enjoyed their nomadic way of life, the rest farmed and hunted in a sustainable way. Enter the colonialists and suddenly, elephants had to be killed for their ivory, cattle had to be slaughtered for export and the land had to be raped to produce crops for sell locally and overseas. Never mind the chemicals which were used to poison the land or the destruction of the forests as land was cleared for commercial farming. Today the whole of Africa is a cesspool of overused, crowded and barren land.
Believe it or not wars were as rare as a diamond. But since the first white man landed in Africa we have never known peace. Uprisings, civil strife are the order of the day across Africa. With the democracy that they introduced, elections are a bloody affair. War apparently is their culture. This is why the two biggest wars were fought in Europe. This is why America is the bully that she is. They are a warring people. We did not manufacture guns or bombs. These were introduced by colonialist so we could kill each other en masse.
I watch television a lot and one of my favourite programs is ‘Psychic Detectives’. It is shocking the crimes that are committed in America and Europe. And yes, this has found its way to Africa too. Today we have crimes of passion and serial killings influenced by Europeans. Remember the Swiss psycho who mowed down close to 90 people? Remember too the constant school yard shootings? This is what has been introduced to Africa-callous disregard for another’s life.
Today we read about rape cases on a daily basis. When the imperialists arrived, they unleashed a brutal onslaught of rape. This resulted in the creation of a colored race. All over Africa there are millions of coloreds as proof of how widespread this practice was. As Africans we respect our elders and it is taboo, to insults one’s elders. Not so in white culture. A famous cartoonist in South Africa is well known for ridiculing the very person who is his President. The attack on black leaders by the white media is ruthless and unrelenting. Sometimes devoid of fact, it seeks to ridicule them at every turn. As with all things influential, this has passed on to our kids. Our morals as African are in danger of being totally washed away in the name of freedom of expression. You have a DA parliamentarian who thinks by associating with whites she can now speak as she please against a president old enough to be her father.
I do not disagree that colonialism brought development. But how certain are we that if whites had not come to Africa we would not have developed on our own? It is the theory of evolution after all. History shows that the Egyptians were the first of the ancient civilizations to develop handwriting, Throughout Africa we have buildings or structures that were built even before the first white man sailed to Africa. Our only sin was that we were developing at a slow pace and because Europe now had guns and boats they conquered us. In the process they unleashed all problems which outweigh any benefit. We might have taken 100 more years to get to where we are today, but this would have been hundred times better than swallowing the evils of apartheid. What is even worse though is that instead of admitting the evils of their way, whites pretend like they are a god send to Africa which is contrary to the truth. Sorry to say, but you are not superior.